Chris Cloud

Chris Cloud

Creative Thinkdoer

Chris Cloud





Extended Timeline

In June 2009, I co-founded MPLS.TV, a Minneapolis based online video network produced by an independent Do-It-Together collective of videomakers and creatives.

In March 2010, I was awarded the Leland T. Lynch Award for Creativity. Later that year in Carmichael Lynch’s Creation Lab, I was the Chief Curator of the social initiative, 30 Days of Creativity, where people were encouraged to create stuff, anything, every day for 30 days.

In November 2011, I helped start a late 90’s/early 00’s dance party in Minneapolis called Forever Young. Since then we’ve produced and promoted over 20 different events including three Prom parties in First Avenue’s Mainroom.

In April 2012 at TEDxUMN, I gave a TEDtalk on collaboration and the power of Do-It-Together.

In October 2012, I help launched MPLSzine, a collaborative submissions-based digital publication.

In September 2014, I collaborated with Minneapolis Pizza Club to open a Pizza Camp, an overnight camp for pizza-loving adults featuring pizza meals alongside summercamp style programming and entertainment.

In July 2015, I gave a CreativeMornings lecture in Minneapolis on the Many Faces of Do-It-Together.

From February 2016 to May 2018, I was the Social Media and Community Manager at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis.

From August 2016 to May 2018, I served as an Adjunct Faculty member at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design in their Arts Entrepreneurship program teaching “Creating and Running a Business.”

From May 2018 to April 2020, I was the first Director of Brand Marketing for Meow Wolf Creative Studios in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

My full resume and/or CV is available upon request.